Monthly Archives: August 2011

Anacortes Arts Festival

Food, fun, art, entertainment and crowds of people seems a good way to describe it. An annual event, for three days the Anacortes Arts Festival literally consumes downtown Anacortes.

Poster for 2011 Anacortes Arts Festival

Poster for the 2011 Anacortes Arts Festival

Emersing ourselves into the crowd, we walked from one booth to the next looking at the beautiful wares.

Colorful hand blown glass balls

Colorful hand blown glass balls for sale at the 2011 Anacortes Arts Festival

Then, hungry, we looked for something to eat. With just a little help, we found the corn dog booth.

The corn dog booth is that-a-way

The corn dog booth is that-a-way

One of the more notable artists/characters in Anacortes is Bill Mitchell. A paraplegic as a result of a car accident many years ago, he became involved with the Anacortes Mural Project by revitalizing the old buildings in the downtown core with his larger-than-life sized painted scenes and figures. While chatting with Bill, he invited us back to Anacortes for another upcoming event, the Anacortes Work Boat Races. Another day of fun, I am sure, as Anacortes celebrates its maritime heritage with a pirate boat parade kick off for the event. Bill advised us to dress in costumes – gypsies or dancing girls – shouting to us as we left his side something about bustiers and corsets being especially appreciated. Actually, the event does sound quite fun. With boat race competitions in three classes showcasing fireboats, tugs, transporters and working vessels, and their crews, in and around Fidalgo Island and ending with one of my favorite local bands, the Walrus, playing at a dance late into the evening, I just might attend – but would dress more normally.

Bill Mitchell, the Anacortes Mural Project artist

Bill Mitchell, the Anacortes Mural Project artist

At many of the street intersections along the festival there was a stage with performers, and I certainly felt very well entertained. My favorite, however, was Jonny Hahn, a piano player/composer quite well known on the streets in the Seattle area.

Street piano performer Jonny Hahn

Street piano performer Jonny Hahn

Here are more of the photos of the arts, entertainment, people and around the town of Anacortes.

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Categories: art shows, craft shows, Events, Music and Dance, Outdoors, People, Places, Things, photography | 2 Comments

Whatcom Falls

Whatcom Falls Park was the destination today. We’ve been covering the trails along both sides of Whatcom Creek this summer, so today we decided to focus more on Whatcom Falls itself. The cool mist from the falls felt so refreshing in the warm sunshine.

Whatcom Falls as viewed from the Bridge

Whatcom Falls as viewed from the Bridge

Built in 1939 and 1940 by the Work Progress Authority (aka WPA), the bridge remains beautifully drenched with moss and worthy of admiration.

The bridge over Whatcom Creek by Whatcom Falls

The bridge over Whatcom Creek by Whatcom Falls

Practically our back yard (forty-five years ago), many of us spent maybe too many afternoons tubing, swimming, fishing and hiking along this creek. Back then there was a rope swing tied to one of the trees next to this spillway – turning it into a most refreshing waterslide. I am curious, when did that rope come down?

The Whatcom Creek Spillway

The Whatcom Creek Spillway

More photos from our hike to Whatcom Falls Park –

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Some days, a hike to Whatcom Falls Park is not quite complete without a visit to the nearby cemetery. Often a late Friday or Saturday night destination (back in our high school days), the story told that the eyes of this angel would follow you. It seemed those sockets held shiny jewels back then, but today appeared as merely empty holes.

At the Nearby Cemetery - the Angel

At the Nearby Cemetery - the Angel

Categories: Hikes and Walks, Outdoors, Parks, People, Places, Things | Leave a comment

Padilla Bay

Hiked the dike along Padilla Bay just before sunset with a group of friends.

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Lots of fun!

Categories: Hikes and Walks, Outdoors, Parks, People, Places, Things, photography | Leave a comment

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